Educational Support and Consulting Network
Editorial Board Member
Ken Dickson has been an educator for 46 years and served in K-12 gifted education administrative capacities for 33 of those years.
His areas of focus include investigating learners with exceptional needs, relationships between cultural diversity and advanced academics. This focus includes learners with special needs who are traditionally underrepresented in advanced curricula programs and overrepresented in special education programs. Included in this focus is preK-12 educational public policy and practice, research and participation, administrator, teacher professional learning and parent advocacy.
Ken offers various groups, particularly educational leadership groups to access his professional learning opportunities on educational equity, diversity and inclusiveness topics, as related to academic success children with exceptional needs.
He passionately advocates for children with exceptional needs as evidenced by four decades of services to various educational groups including current Chair, National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Leadership Development Committee; Member, NAGC Elections Committee, Past NAGC Board Member; Past chair NAGC Special Populations Network; Annual contributor/supporter to NAGC’s Martin D. Jenkins Scholars Program; Mentor – NAGC’s Javits/Fraser Scholars; Member, NAGC’S Conceptual Foundations Legacy Archive Project Committee; Past member of NAGC’s Twice-Exceptional Community of Practice Steering Committee; Member of NAGC’s Special Interest Group on Twice-Exceptional Populations; Past member of the Board of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC); Member of the Board of CEC’s The Association for Gifted Division; Member of CEC’s Children and Youth Action Network; Past Executive Board Member for CEC’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners Division; Member of the National Alliance of Black School Educators Commissions on Special Projects, Research & Evaluation and District Administration and presenter; and Member of Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG); Past member of SENG’s Editorial Review Board.
Ken enjoys wide respect among colleagues as evidenced by being named the 2017 recipient of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) President’s Award, recipient of NAGC’s 2017 Special Populations Network Dr. Alexinia Y. Baldwin Award and recipient of SENGs 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Ken is currently redesigning his Educational Support and Consulting Network. It will serve as an advocacy network service for stakeholders with leadership roles for children with exceptional needs. The design will focus on professional learning for educational leaders, parent advocacy, education policy and practice related to educational equity and diversity.