Dr. Nicole A. Tetreault is a neuroscientist, researcher, author, meditation teacher, and international speaker who specializes in neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative disorders. She received her Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in neuroscience. As the founder of Awesome Neuroscience (nicoletetreault.com), she is dedicated to translating the promise of neuroscience and positive psychology for everyone to experience their best life. Dr. Tetreault has authored many peer-reviewed scientific papers on the topics of the gifted experience, neuroinflammation in autism, brain evolution, neuroanatomy, brain development, behavior, and cell function. Most recently, she has focused her efforts on studying the neurodiverse experience – encompassing the brain and body connection – by investigating the latest neuroscience, psychology, and physiology research. She is completing her first book, Insight into the Bright Mind
, which explores groundbreaking research examining the minds, bodies, and experiences of unique, creative, and intense brains through interviews, storytelling, and literary science, while advocating for new directions and dialogue of human and neurodiversity.
Articles and references from my talk and forthcoming book, Feeling Color: A Field Guide to Diverse Minds:
Neuroscience of Asynchronous Brain Development in Bright Minds:
Creatives Unlock Unique Brain Networks: www.nicoletetreault.com/single-post/2018/02/06/Creatives-unlock-unique-brain-networks
Brian Fingerprints: www.nicoletetreault.com/single-post/2017/04/14/Brain-Fingerprints
Hyper-brain Hyper-body: www.nicoletetreault.com/single-post/2017/10/10/High-IQ-Hyper-brain-and-hyper-body
Emotionally Gifted and Navigating in the World:
Neuroscience of Anxiety in the Bright Brain: https://www.nicoletetreault.com/single-post/2019/02/15/Neuroscience-of-Anxiety-in-the-Bright-Brain
Gifted Brain article: www.nicoletetreault.com/gifted-gpo
Unsocial Media and Our Mental Health:
Power of the Breath:
Loving Kindness Meditation: